Hydraulic Concrete Roller Screed - Hydra-Screed w Pipe


HS3000 Concrete Roller Screed

The Hydra-Screed has the weight and strength to move over 6″ of concrete along the pour while allowing operators to remain in a standing position. The rubber inserts can easily be removed to accommodate any desired length of pipe, custom V flume, crowned roller screed, and numerous other desired profiles.

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Features & Specifications

•   Hydraulically Driven

•   3-5 GPM @ 2250 PSI Required

•   Two-Way Variable Speed Control

•   Screeds Up To 30′ In Length

•   Removable Screed Ends

•   40 Feet Of Hose (w/ Quick Connect Couplers)

•   Pipe not included

•  Single pin allows for direction change.

•  Variable speed and directional valve which give the operator ultimate control of the machine.

•  Adjustable handle position provides a more comfortable offset.

•  Can be used for pervious paving and low slump concrete, as well as slope paving.

•  Can be placed right on existing concrete without the worry of wearing it out.

• Compatible with some large custom drums.

•  6″ OD 10 gauge steel pipe recommended for flatwork.

The Hydra-Screed can utilize the following kits:

Center Pivot Kit: perfect for circular pours, such as grain bins or tank bases. This kit includes a pivot handle and one base.

• Wheel Kit: assists with longer pipes or custom drums. Sizes vary depending on pipe diameter and size.

• Trolly Kit: crank and wheel system for use with certain custom drums to provide better operation and control.

“With our Hydra-Screed I was able to split my crew into two. This allows us to do more jobs and get more done.” – Justin Beach, S&S Builders Inc.

“I was very pleased with the build quality and performance of the equipment, and we poured 2-3 times the amount of ditch that we were capable of before investing in this setup. Thanks to the Hydra-Screed and custom drum, we produced a more consistent and uniform finished product.” – Mark Kerrick, Kerrick Construction

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Features & specifications are subject to change without notice.